CAS-006-09-EMS (Foundation)
CAS-006-09-EMS (Foundation)
ISO 14001:2015 Foundation
- It is a preliminary Certification course that will make you aware on every details into Environmental Safety, i.e., ISO 14001:2015 EMS related aspects.
- At end of the course, you will be familiar with the EMS every little aspects, that will help you build your career.
- At end of the course you will be required to appear online assessment which will demonstrate the competency to showcase the skill you learned.
Who Should Attend:
- Any person wanting to learn basics of Environmental Safety and best practices to follow at workplace.
Learning Objectives - Knowledge Management:
- Knowing the Standard, Principles & Processes
- Knowing the inter-alignment between various other standards
Competencies Development:
- Understanding the needs and requirements of the Standard
Course Modules:
- Course Introduction
- Fundamentals & Principles of Management Systems
- The Standard
- The Requirements
- Risk Management
- Management System Certification Process
Course By: Pyramid Certifications LLP
What you will Receive:
- ASCB accreditation Accreditation Service for Certifying Bodies (Europe) Limited
- Candidate names listed on the International website of IRQAO
What you will Receive:
- A complete self-paced learning experience
- Detailed explanation of all topics. Candidate Hand-book having ~ 50 pages is part of your course
- Start course any-time and complete it any-time, Your way of learning...Your own convenience...
- No. of Questions: 20 Nos.
- Assessment Type: Question Types: Multiple Choice and Case Study
- Passing Score: 70%
- Exam Re-Take: No
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